Daily life

Colombia has taught me to relax, not because things are mellow and calm, but rather the opposite. I found out that if I held on to all the chaotic moments I would explode. Today was a perfect day of letting go…

I would usually say I am in control. Of everything. Food. plans. Budget. Life. Today I was not.

I woke up today with the sun shining through my window thinking, ‘please dear Lord, let me not be late for work!’ My alarm didn’t go off and it was 30 minutes until I had to be on my way out the door. Sleepily, I left my room in my PJ’s to go brush my teeth. When I walked in the bathroom, I realized I might be off to a bad hair day- as it looked like someone electrified a poodle-little did I know things would soon take a drastic turn.. I figured, to counter my un-tamable mane, I could wear a hat and dress above and beyond to take attention off my head. But as I returned to change out of my PJ’s, I found my bedroom door to be shut and locked with no key..

Lets recap-I haven’t had coffee, I need to leave for work in 10 min, and I don’t have clothes, shoes, money or keys- No biggie. Luckily I did laundry the night before and had a clean pair of pants, shirt and my bra was only mildly wet. My roommate lent me shoes that were a size too small and I was out the door- an awkward mess, but I rocked it. Colombia thrives on dealing out ‘wild cards’ and if you can enjoy the surprises, you will do just fine.

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